Saturday, February 28, 2009


a refomer is one who brings about reforms in socity hazrat muhammad [saw] was not only a preacher of religion but also the greatest reformer of the world ,without him ,the world would not have been improved,
He (SAW)was sent to reform the whole of mankind.When he started preaching God message,the idol worshippers of Arabi became civilized people.
Before the advent of Islam ,there were very few people who could read or write.He advised the Muslims to get themselves educated
end increas their knowledge he made education compulsory
not only for men but also for women they set themself to acquire knowledge as religious obligation . he took step to promote literacy and love for learning in the battle of badar
the muslims cought some enemies as prisoners of war hazarat Muhammad {saw} asked the educated non muslims to teach
the childrens to read and writer education this condition to get freedom .it shows his loved for education and learning hazrat muhammad (saw) dislike arrogance and pride.he said thatan arab was not suporior to non arabor a weiht to a black.
he belived that aill were the son of adam. No one was superior to another on the nasis of caste,colore or creed.For him ,the standard of superiority was piety.He united the scattered tribs and nation who felt pride in serving the humanity. Brotherhood became the way of their life.

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